Meteor Pic 6/9/16

OK folks, today’s screenshots are like nothing I’ve seen before and require some explanation so please bear with me:
I’ve been monitoring the Canadian TV meteor reflections for months now and, like snowflakes, no two displays are exactly alike – but there are some recurring types.
There’s the simple pings that range from faint fuzzy spots to more intense lines and teardrop shaped ‘torpedoes’. Sometimes stronger and longer lasting ones seem to have lateral spikes extending out their sides, I call them ‘centipedes’.
But when a meteorite is big enough and fast enough and the geometry is just right I get the rainbowish patterns that look like ‘dragonflys’ or the big speaker rattling ‘thunderbirds’. These patterns occur when the ionization path is charged up enough to reflect not just the strong center frequency of the TV signal but also its sideband harmonics that occur at 60 Hz intervals. Sometimes the harmonics extend for many kilohertz to either side of the center freq.
Until now though, these harmonic bands have always appeared in a very linear formation – vertical lines extending straight across the screen parallel to the center frequency trace. They come and go in sync with the fast rise and gradual decay of the center, with the outermost harmonics fading away first.
But tonight, a little after 8 pm June 8, I was tired & halfheartedly monitoring two Canadian channels when a strong audio burst came across the channel 2 monitor. Nothing too unusual about it, but when I looked at the channel 5 screen what I saw was absolutely unique and baffling.
About 1 kilohertz above the channel 5 frequency, and apparently unrelated to it, there was a criss-crossed, sort of X shaped pattern of harmonic bands that seemed to repeat and overlap each other in very non-linear fashion numerous times before fading away. Adding to the strangeness, these X patterns seem to build from the outside in, with the outermost harmonics showing up first and quickly intensifying to the center, then faded from the center out, and repeating the process several times.
I managed to capture just a fragment of the extended event in a 30 second screenshot, then went downstairs to think about it and eat an ice cream sandwich. When I came back the ‘unique’ event was happening all over again, even stronger than before, so two screenshots are attached today.
I kept watching until after 11pm but the X’s never appeared again. Have no idea how to explain it, and it may be some atmospheric phenomenon not even related to meteors at all, but I plan to submit these two images to some experts for analysis.
Anybody got any ideas ???